Création d'une plate-bande de vivaces

Creating a perennial border

Oct 17, 2019Mario Lavoie

Creating a perennial border

Necessary material

  • Tape measure;
  • Graph paper;
  • Pencil and eraser;
  • Metric circles template.

Make a plan

  1. Take note of all the measurements related to the location of the future flower bed (length, width, height of window, door, staircase, sidewalks, etc.);
  2. Record the measurements on a squared sheet. Working to scale, such as two squares for a foot, can be helpful;
  3. Determine the level of sunlight in the flower bed (sun, partial shade, shade) to better choose plants;
  4. Go to the garden center and choose the plants taking into account the amount of sunlight in the flower bed;
  5. Take notes: name of plants (common and Latin name), height and width of plants at maturity written on the labels;
  6. On the plan, place the largest plants at the back of the flower bed;
  7. Then place the medium-sized perennials in front of the larger ones;
  8. Then position the smaller ones on the front of the flower bed; Some spaces can be left free to add annuals over the years;
  9. Purchase the chosen plants according to the plan.

Some tips for creating a perennial border

  • Choose a few trees, shrubs and conifers to integrate them into the flower bed. They will form a structure when the perennials are dormant in winter or just emerging from the ground in spring;
  • For a balanced layout, choose either warm colors (red, yellow, orange) or cool colors (blue, purple, pink);
  • Integrate a few white flowers into the layout to reduce the effect of being too hot or too cold;
  • Choose perennials based on their flowering time, including some that flower in April-May, others in June-July, and then others from August to October. Add long-flowering annuals, which flower from June to October, for example;
  • Vary shapes and heights. There are plants with a rather round appearance, some are tall and narrow, others are flared, creeping, conical in shape, etc.;
  • Incorporate some plants with colorful foliage to have color throughout the season;
  • Add structures to flower beds. Without necessarily talking about outdoor furniture, a statue, a birdbath, a bench, garden gnomes, a few rocks or a tree stump can embellish the flowerbeds. You have to know how to use your imagination!

Design and planting service offered. Come meet us in store or send us an email. We will be happy to help you develop your green spaces.

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