See all caudex

Caudex plants are succulents that thrive in extreme environments. This type of plant is full of juices, which allows it to survive in periods of extreme drought or intense heat.

Its foliage is very limited, in order to limit the phenomenon of evaporation. Its armored and scaled texture like a shell makes it unique.

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Dorstenia sp. nov. LAV 23877
21.99 $
Dorstenia sp. nov. LAV 23877
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Dorstenia lavrani
From 24.99 $
Dorstenia lavrani
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Jatropha marginata
64.99 $
Jatropha marginata
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Othonna euphorbioides
74.99 $
Othonna euphorbioides
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Pachypodium densiflorum
59.99 $
Pachypodium densiflorum
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Albuca tortuosa
9.99 $
Albuca tortuosa
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Gerrardanthus macrorhizus
44.99 $
Gerrardanthus macrorhizus
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Albuca concordiana
19.99 $
Albuca concordiana
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Begonia bipinnatifida
From 9.99 $
Begonia bipinnatifida
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Hydnophytum papuanum
From 9.99 $
Hydnophytum papuanum
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Dioscorea elephantipes
299.99 $
Dioscorea elephantipes
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Tylecodon pearsonii
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Euphorbia micracantha
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Pachypodium succulentum
29.99 $
Pachypodium succulentum
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Boophone disticha
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Ipomoea boolusii
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Uncarina grandidieri
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Uncarina roeoesliana
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Pachypodium sofiense
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Adenium obesum
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Commiphora unilobata
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Hybrid Dorstenia
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