Gasteria brachyphylla 'White Streaks' en pot décoratif

44.99 $

Gasteria brachyphylla 'White Streaks' est une variété cultivée de Gasteria brachyphylla, qui se distingue par ses feuilles charnues et épaisses ornées de stries ou de marbrures blanches. Cette plante succulente est appréciée pour sa forme compacte et ses motifs décoratifs distinctifs, ce qui en fait un excellent choix pour les collections de plantes d'intérieur et les jardins de succulentes.

Origine : Gasteria brachyphylla est originaire d'Afrique du Sud, où elle pousse dans des zones rocheuses et semi-arides. La variété 'White Streaks' a été sélectionnée pour ses caractéristiques ornementales uniques, notamment ses marques blanches contrastantes sur les feuilles.

Croissance : Cette variété forme des rosettes compactes et peut produire des pousses latérales, ce qui lui permet de s'étendre lentement en formant des groupes. Les feuilles sont généralement disposées en rangées opposées et ont une texture lisse avec des bords légèrement ondulés.

Fleurs : Gasteria brachyphylla 'White Streaks' produit des fleurs tubulaires, généralement de couleur rose ou rouge, qui apparaissent sur de longues hampes florales. Les fleurs peuvent émerger au printemps ou en été, ajoutant un intérêt supplémentaire à la plante.

Lumière : Préfère une lumière indirecte lumineuse ou une ombre partielle. Une exposition directe au soleil intense peut causer des brûlures des feuilles, tandis qu'un manque de lumière peut entraîner un étirement de la plante.

Arrosage : L'arrosage doit être modéré, en laissant le substrat sécher complètement entre les arrosages. Pendant l'hiver, réduisez l'arrosage pour éviter la pourriture des racines et imiter les conditions naturelles de dormance.

Substrat : Un sol bien drainant est crucial pour la santé de la plante. Utiliser un mélange pour cactus et succulentes, enrichi de perlite ou de sable grossier, est recommandé pour assurer un bon drainage et prévenir la pourriture des racines.

Toxicité : Gasteria brachyphylla 'White Streaks' est généralement considérée comme non toxique pour les humains et les animaux domestiques, ce qui en fait une option sûre pour les foyers.

Notre terreau maison pour Succulentes 


Territories and periods served:

We deliver throughout the year throughout Canada.


We are proud of the quality of our products and we attach particular importance to the delivery methods used as well as the speed of service. This is why we only work with recognized transport companies, at affordable prices and which give you the possibility of tracking your package in real time until its final destination. When the order leaves our greenhouses, the carrier takes charge of your order. We are not responsible for risks related to transport. Please contact the shipping company directly.

You must be present when your package is delivered, as we require a signature upon delivery. It is your responsibility to send us an email before delivery to notify us of your absence. If you require delivery without signature, you must notify us when you place your order. However, you are solely responsible in the event of theft or damage due to bad weather.

Delivery price:

    Prices are established according to the exact weight of the package, and not according to a pre-established charter. You therefore have the assurance of paying exactly the price of your order. We do business with several delivery companies, which allows us to offer you the best price as well as the fastest and most efficient carrier.

    Preparation of commands:

    An acknowledgment of receipt will be sent to you following confirmation of your purchase. We ship across Canada only from Monday to Wednesday to avoid our packages remaining at the post office on the weekend. Local delivery is available Monday to Saturday for the greater Metropolitan area. You will then receive your tracking number as soon as your order is processed and shipped, as well as the expected delivery date. This number will allow you to know the status of your order in real time until its final destination. Please check your spam folder if you do not receive a confirmation email. We do not give any delivery times due to the large quantity of orders to be prepared.

    Cancellation of orders:

    Do you want to cancel an order you have placed? We can only issue a refund if the order has not yet been prepared and/or shipped.

    Combine your order with an existing one

    We offer you the possibility of combining your purchases made on our online store only if your order is not being prepared. Only orders to ship to the same address and name can be combined.

    Winter expedition

    During the winter months, insulating packaging + heating package are included in the transport costs. In the event of extreme cold, we reserve the right to suspend deliveries until suitable temperatures return.

    In-store pickup:

    In order to provide you with quality plants, we ask that you pick up your confirmed orders, ready for pickup in store, within 4 days of your confirmation email.


    All our plants are final sales.

    However, if you received a damaged, incorrect order or one with a phytosanitary problem, contact us within 48 hours of receipt at . Please include a photo of the product, its packaging and your order number. We will assess the situation and let you know afterwards whether we are replacing the product or issuing a credit note.

    Contact us:

    In order to constantly improve our service, we invite you to write to us at to leave us your comments and suggestions about our delivery service and your experience in general.