Seeds Gardens of the ecumene

Les Jardins de l'Écoumène offer a collection of organic seeds for gardeners and farmers keen to preserve biodiversity and cultivate healthy, natural plants. This collection of seeds comes from organic farming and guarantees the quality and purity of the seeds. It includes a wide range of varieties of vegetables, fruits, herbs and flowers adapted to various climates and terroirs.

All seeds are carefully selected for their disease resistance, productivity and exceptional flavor. By choosing the Jardins de l'Écoumène, you contribute to the preservation of biodiversity and the promotion of sustainable agriculture.

Showing 127 products
Siberian Blues Carnation Seeds*Organic*
4.19 $
Siberian Blues Carnation Seeds*Organic*
Orange Wonder Snapdragon Seeds *Organic*
4.19 $
Orange Wonder Snapdragon Seeds *Organic*
Semences De Roquette Italienne Sylvetta *biologique*
4.19 $
Sylvetta Italian Arugula Seeds *Organic*
Semences De Marjolaine Des Jardins *biologique*
4.19 $
Garden marjoram seeds *Organic*
Purple Pea seeds to germinate *Organic*
5.95 $
Purple Pea seeds to germinate *Organic*
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Black kale seeds to germinate *Organic*
9.15 $
Black kale seeds to germinate *Organic*
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Yellow Beet seeds to germinate *Organic*
11.95 $
Yellow Beet seeds to germinate *Organic*
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Ancient Acadian Savory Seeds *Organic*
4.19 $
Ancient Acadian Savory Seeds *Organic*
Semences De Tomate Standard Rose Berne *biologique*
4.19 $
Rose de Berne standard tomato seeds *Organic*
Semences De Pensée Sauvage *biologique*
4.19 $
Wild pansy seeds *Organic*
Semences Dorigan Grec *biologique*
4.19 $
Greek oregano seeds *Organic*
Semences Doeillet Rainbow Loveliness *biologique*
4.19 $
Rainbow Loveliness Carnation Seeds *Organic*