Direct sun plants

All plants need sunlight to grow, but they vary in the amount and intensity of light needed to grow properly. We have brought together a selection of direct sun plants, which require at least 6 hours of direct sunlight per day.
Showing 269 products
Alluaudiopsis fiherenensis
44.99 $
Alluaudiopsis fiherenensis
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Carruanthus peersii
9.99 $
Carruanthus peersii
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Aloinopsis rosulata
9.99 $
Aloinopsis rosulata
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Set of 6 assorted Messembs
56.99 $
Set of 6 assorted Messembs
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Cleistocactus sp.
From 34.99 $
Cleistocactus sp.
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Cintia knizei
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Aloinopsis hilmarii
9.99 $
Aloinopsis hilmarii
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Agave guiengola
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Agave havardiana
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Agave mapisaga
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Agave macranta
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