
semis intérieurs
Feb 28, 2023
Winter is not over, but gardeners are already starting to plan their vegetable garden and...
Les germinations et les micropousses
Feb 10, 2023
Sprouts and microgreens have high nutritional value and are easy to grow. Check them out!
La fertilisation hivernale, oui ou non ?
Nov 22, 2022
Is it a myth to say that fertilization is only done in spring and summer? Are there fertilizers for our houseplants that we can use in winter? This article answers these questions and explains what types of fertilizers you can use in winter.
Éclairage artificiel
Nov 18, 2022
This article addresses the issue of artificial lighting for plants, going through some notions of necessary plant biology, including photosynthesis, in order to understand the needs of different plants, and then presents some lighting items available on the market.
Les philodendrons
Oct 07, 2022
Philodendrons are fairly easy to care for plants and their great diversity makes them a plant of choice for any gardener. There is bound to be one that can be integrated into your decor. Find out a little more about philodendrons, their characteristics, how to care for them, and the different varieties.
Planter des arbres pour créer des îlots de fraîcheur et bien les arroser
Aug 15, 2022
Periods of extreme heat will repeat themselves in the coming years and even become more...
La différence entre le terreau de plantation et la terre à jardin
Jun 29, 2022
Planting soil and garden soil are two different products and are suitable for different uses....
La plantation des arbres
Jun 27, 2022
It is possible to plant trees, shrubs and flowers all summer long if you water properly. Find out the right way to plant a tree.