
Le mois d'octobre, le temps idéal pour planter votre ail !
Oct 09, 2020
A family of four consumes 1 to 2 kilos of garlic per year, people are snapping it up at the grocery store and markets, it's a good idea to sow some in your garden this fall. You will be independent and will make people around you jealous.
Entretien de la pelouse
Oct 17, 2019
Learn more about our recommendations for year-round grounds maintenance methods. We present to you our favorite products as well as the steps to follow to have a green lawn all summer long.
Création d'une plate-bande de vivaces
Oct 17, 2019
Discover practical advice from our specialists regarding the design and creation of a flower bed that will highlight and add a touch of color to your land.
Plantes annuelles en pleine terre
Oct 17, 2019
Learn how to create outstanding floral arrangements by adding annuals to your land and flower beds and enjoy flowering all summer long.