
On vous suggère quelques plantes pour attirer les papillons...
Jun 27, 2022
Some plants attract butterflies more than others, here is a selection that you can find in our garden center.
Quelques astuces pour créer une plate-bande
Jun 27, 2022
An eye-catching flower bed is one that elegantly combines shrubs, perennials and annuals.
Les graminées ornementales
Jun 01, 2022
Grasses are very easy to care for plants that have the advantage of providing visual...
Les fleurs comestibles
May 25, 2022
Edible flowers are perfect for adding color to your dishes, drinks and flower beds during...
La culture des tomates
May 11, 2022
Already cultivated in the 5th century then spread in the 16th century by the Spaniards,...
Alerte au froid !
May 26, 2021
If the warm temperatures of recent weeks have led us to believe that the risk...
Conseils pour une récolte productive cet été
May 21, 2021
Tomatoes and chili peppers (peppers and hot peppers) are the fruits of gourmet plants; that...
Profitez du printemps dans votre cour!
Apr 29, 2021
The good weather of the last few days gives us a taste of summer. In order to fully enjoy your yard, here are some useful tips for opening up your garden.